**WeeKEnd's Gone?!**
Just dunno why I'm so lazy to update daily...no motivation probably. Anyway, my Saturday was spent @ my eldest aunt's place @ Yishun for a mini celebration for Baby Hannah.
HannaH! Glad u like the mini piano....nice right...in fact the tuek2 oso was sibuk playing wif the piano. Deprived childhood!
And there were also the "kenduri arwah" after solat maghrib. Left my aunt's place near 11pm wif the bag of food! Though it was late, we didn't hit the bed immediately...
wow! super late....
on the door till 10.30am on
dragged my heavy feet and aching tummy out of the bed. Was supposed to go for a wedding with PIL but with my situation, hubby decided to call Ibu and we end up "kirim" through Ibu. Sorry Ibu......it's the second time and I really cannot help it. The day was spent in
...wif hubby as the nurse. It was hot packs, medicated oil and rubs on the aching tummy and back! Didn't cook....everyone ate the food from the kenduri...sorry folks...no energy! In the evening hubby ordered BBQ Chicken Bonanza pizza & Hot n Spicy pizza from Canadian Pizza. Suddenly i was craving for jemput2 roti...so dragged myself out and made some. Sedap jugak ye jemput2 roti....recipe sendiri...hehehehe. Took 2 1/2 slices of pizza...some jemput2 roti n I was on my back again in front of the
. Can't sit too long...the pain was really unbearable. Tgh shiok tgk TV....sekali perut buat hal lagi....bukan sakit...tapi mcm lapar lagi! Told hubby tekak terasa mcm nak makan Quaker Oats so hubby said OK he'll make some for me.
I was touched and happy when i saw the bowl of Quaker oats
! It was the first time I tasted his cooking....though something simple n easy...it was really good!
dear...mcm gini boleh suruh masak lagi.....let me think what i wanna eat next