Why am I feeling what I'm feeling now?! Why must this happen to me? Why must ppl keep on raking the past? Why does JOKE exists? When someone make a joke you are supposed to
but why do I
? So many 'whys' but I doubt there is an answer to all 'why'. Ppl can call me anything but no one knows wat I'm feeling inside or why i am badly affected by what was meant as a joke by someone. Others can forget the past and live on but I can't and that is the reason why i've asked for the past to be buried and not mentioned time and time again. I've even ignored calls from dear friends and my hubby coz of my unstable feelings - i feel really bad! I hope they understand what I'm going through and pardon my emotions.
If I continue, it will be bad. Bad for me and bad for the ppl around me. I hope for an END......
Du'a at the Time of Distress
Allah (SWT) is sufficient for me and He is the Best Helper.
"Has -bi -yal-laa-hu wa ni'- mal wa-keel".
Source: Duas.org