to my father-in-law. had to missed the routine lepak session with the GG's as it's Ayah's birthday today. We reached TP later that expected due to some "techinal" problem! Could see the wide grin from PIL's faces when they saw us in front of the door...they didn't expect us to "muncul" as it was already past 9pm! Sorry Ibu sorry Ayah. Hubby gave Ayah his gift and he could guess even w/o touching the gift! dah tak surprise lah. Bought him his faveret chapatti wif keema and dhal, croissant and seedless green grapes. Hope you enjoyed our visit n the humble foods. We left abt 11pm as hubby need to go for an early morning meeting.
{7 years of Courtship - Blissfully Married to the Love of Her Life}
{Friendships - Bitter & Sweet Memories}{Silently wishing for her dreams to come true..}