Friday 24th September:
Took half-day, met Hubby, Bro & my aunt. Had late lunch @ Banquet Raffles Hospital before we proceed to JB by cab. Stopped @ Plaza Kotaraya for my fitting and picked up her baju.

Saturday 25th September:
Started the day @ 8am....thank u for the knock on the door mummy. The bed to comfortable lah...and dun mention the aircon...POWER! It was potong-everything for me & aunt while mummy & daddy did the cooking. Hubby & bro...biasa....busy wif the heavy stuffs and the shifting ard and the errand boys! Suka eh dapat drive ard and not forgetting the curi tulang part. The kenduri started after the Solat Isya'a berjemaah. It's common in JB......everyone will gather just before the prayer times and perform prayer berjemaah and then continue with the bacaan doa for the kenduri. It was a busy nite for us the host...but for daddy and mummy it was simple task....kata host...duduk pat luar and PR u. hehehehe ALmost 11:30pm, hubby and I set off for SG...had to send my Bro as he hv the Army Half Marathon on Sunday. Passed by secondlink as it's easier for Bro to take a cab and nearer to Bukit Indah. The Tuas Checkpoint was so quiet and the scary feeling attacked me. I was reminded of the incident 2 wks back where this malay guy commited suicide there. Semoga rohnya tenteran dan dicucuri rahmat..Insya'Allah. Drop Bro @ Jurong...somewhere near the Go-Cart plc. Made our way back to Bukit Indah and ALhamdullillah the trip home was a smooth one and we reached home safely @ 1am. The roads were very dark and it was our first time.
Ok here's the menu for Saturday:
Nasi Beryani
Ayam Masak Merah
Daging Beryani
Sambal Udang
Acar Timun
Pacri Nenas
Jelly Cocktail
Kuih Lopis
Kuih Kaswe
Kuih Bakar kentang
Talam Keladi
And last but not least -

Sunday 26th September 2004:

Monday 27th September: