Did I mention Singapore Casket? Yes I did! And it is unbelievable that I actually stepped into that place. Me the most penakut one actually agreed to join my other colleagues. Tak pernah terlintas nak step my foot there. Went there for a wake of one of my colleague's dad who passed away on Tuesday morning. It was an experience I must say, being in the same room and so close to the coffin!
To Sherryl, . Be strong girl and life has to go on. Although we are not that close but I can still feel the pain. Saw how drained she was and the sad face. Guess everyone of us will be in her position one day...either we lose our loved ones or vice versa.......it's a matter of time.
{7 years of Courtship - Blissfully Married to the Love of Her Life}
{Friendships - Bitter & Sweet Memories}{Silently wishing for her dreams to come true..}