IKEA & JB anyone?!

Took a short rest before it was time to drive again. This time....to pick hubby up from his workplace and it's IKEA time!! Although I was happy at the mentioned of I-K-E-A, didn't spend much though as we didn't find dat many stuffs to buy. Bought a door mat, pizza cutter, lace day-curtain and storage boxes in Red & Blue. Happy with our purchases we then proceed to Queensway SC. We were @ Queensway when my aunt sms...asking us if we want to tag along to JB to service her "sport car". We agreed as we didn't hv any plans and didn't know where else to go to. So it was another round of "shopping" @ JB while the cars was being serviced. Dinner was at one of the restaurant @ STulang Bay....didn't catch the name though. It was just a short dinner and for 5pax we paid only RM24. SUper cheap!!
The way back to SG was a smooth one, no traffic jam on both sides of the checkpoint. Headed straight to Mustaffa Center to grab some missing ingredients for the pizza (couldn't find @ Xtra). Bought pizza base, chicken strips and smoked turkey breast. Didn't roam far @ Mustaffa as I was alone. Hubby had to guard the "sport car" as we could seem to be able to lock one of the doors! Kereta dah senior katakan....mcm2 malfunctions! hehehe Ok need a rest as my tummy's aching......Nite!