the gathering went well! With lots of



! So much things to talk about n there was shny's wedding pics to oggle @! Semua cam nak rewind our beautiful moments! Thanks to hubby for giving in to me....dia enjoy sakan ngan 'Tiong-Man'!

The geng finally saw the true character of my hubby! Mcm tu lah gaya nya kalau kena 'kaki'. Cian kissy kena 'kacau' ngan kita....memang suara sedap ni tak leh pakai langsung! Muka confirm kurang ke-hengsemannya! Takpe next time i carikan suara yg kurang 'handsome' eh....confirm muka cun..hehehe.
Plan nak ikut Aliyah gi Tekka to look for sari materials for the coming hari raya but when kissy told us the price...terus tak jadi! But me and hubby still follow Aliyah & Jaybonz to tekka...coz she've already promised her mum to get idli & dosai. Tekak terasa nak makan tapi takut kekenyangan. Peh jauh si Jaybonz & Aliyah bawak both of us jalan..banyak dorang nyer dekat! Cam nak tercabut lutut beb! Hubby know i'm not a 'walking' person..sure grumble one but lucky dat day the weather wasn't so hot! Leh lah tahan tapi peluh tetap menitis!

Cam jalan 10 batu gitu! Dah tak payah diet beb...kekekekeke. After buying the food for Aliyah's mum n got myself some sweet titbits, we rushed to Mamak Maideen's stall @ Beach Rd (but not the hawker center - dunno what's that place called though). Had mutton chop n hubby had roti john...so sodap..next time can go again but make sure the Mamak take down our oder properly. Kalau tak macam Chippekz kena...so kesian...tunggu lebih dari sejam pun tak datang!

Mamak! Nasib baik Chippekz tak terbalikkan dapur...aniaya!

Lepas lepak for a while...Rahmat aka apek offered us a ride home coz they are going towards dat direction. Ketawa lepak2 pat dlm kereta...mcm2 jokes dorang buat!

Tak sabar nak tgk Miss Blurtician & apek's wedding!
Reached hm @ 10pm...wah so early! Dah kawin balik lekas...lom kawin korang tak ingat nak balik!