Just called hubby and he sounded fierce!
Think he's having a tough time @ the stooopid customer's plc!
that you are still stuck @ that idiot's place n i'm sure you have not had ur lunch yet. Said he will return my call soon tapi dah 1/2hr pun my phone belom ring. Just hope you can solve the issue soon my dear. Semoga your next calls berjalan ngan lancar!
Think today is just not the day for both of us. Just recd an email from my RTM asking me to update cases on behalf of the PTI engineers! Please tell me you are kidding!!! It's not my job!
It's the engineers responsibility to update. It's all becoz of the stoopid Mamak Director....bila ko nak balik negeri ar? Kasi muka sangat to his Indian engineers....they are such great liars! Guess I need to take up Yoga to learn how to supress my anger! My colleague says i can see steam coming out from ur ear!! Of course wld feel the same also if u are in my shoe. Current job I still hv some pending and now add more??!! N i can't put this on hold coz they wanna see the cases updated ASAP! Haiiii nasib betol mcm kentang! If not becoz of the bleak economy I wld hv left this co! *cam real jer...sejak 2 tahun dulu..tak bergerak pun!*
Yoga here I comeeeee!
Oklah back to work!
Got lotsa things to clear and I have my Wayan session after work! Can't wait for that....really looking fwd to the session...finally can get rid of the fats @ my arms n thighs! Been bothering me since after my wedding!
for now~~~~~

Think today is just not the day for both of us. Just recd an email from my RTM asking me to update cases on behalf of the PTI engineers! Please tell me you are kidding!!! It's not my job!

Oklah back to work!