~Sulaman Kasih~
It was a long day but a very interesting one too!
when I saw the time! It was 7.45am! We overslept but hubby said we could still make it for the kursus pos-nikah @ Hilton. Apa lagi...both of us terus loncat dari katil...zooom pi toilet. Nasib baik mummy n daddy takde...i could use their bathroom! True enough we reached Hilton just 5minutes before 9am!
Nasib baik the ballroom belom penuh..after us masih ada orang lagi! And guess who was the last one? I was shocked! Someone some of us know....fellow forummer n fellow blogger. I'm not gonna mentioned names here!
The time passed by so quickly with loads of information and laughters. Superb speakers...had Ustaz Haji Salim Jasman, Dr Noor Hakim, Puan Murni & Puan Faizah (hope I didn't missed out anyone). All very knowledgeable ppl in their repective areas with lots of knowledge shared. The lady speakers had 5 and 6 kids repective....sungguh besar rezeki dari Allah s.w.t.! But I don't think I could manage that many kids! Tapi kalau dah diberi Tuhan....ku sanggup menerimanya dengan tangan yg terbuka....syukran! Hubby was smiling @ me when both lady speakers shared their experiences on all the pregnancies!
Am I ready to be pregnant yet? Hmmm....I should say I berserah pada yg lebih mengetahui....tapi macam jeles jugak bila tgk the Mak Buyongs there!
A note for everyone out there...don't miss the kursus pos-nikah if you happen to stumble upon one or you could check it out with the masjid or CCs where you took your kursus pra-nikah when they'll be having the next session. You won't regret spending you whole Sunday with them! Ciao!

The time passed by so quickly with loads of information and laughters. Superb speakers...had Ustaz Haji Salim Jasman, Dr Noor Hakim, Puan Murni & Puan Faizah (hope I didn't missed out anyone). All very knowledgeable ppl in their repective areas with lots of knowledge shared. The lady speakers had 5 and 6 kids repective....sungguh besar rezeki dari Allah s.w.t.! But I don't think I could manage that many kids! Tapi kalau dah diberi Tuhan....ku sanggup menerimanya dengan tangan yg terbuka....syukran! Hubby was smiling @ me when both lady speakers shared their experiences on all the pregnancies!

A note for everyone out there...don't miss the kursus pos-nikah if you happen to stumble upon one or you could check it out with the masjid or CCs where you took your kursus pra-nikah when they'll be having the next session. You won't regret spending you whole Sunday with them! Ciao!