Off to the Airport again!
My body's aching now but what can I do? Daddy left his car @ the Airport and he wants us to pick it up! Duhh! Peh penat...kalau dapat bantal..confirm gone! It's just not Dad to travel by public troublesome for us kan? Tu lah daddy ku...apa dia nak kena ikutkan jugak!
menantu dia pulak main 'YES' to everything he say...i'll always end up being the bad guy!
tapi long as daddy's fond of you sudah! That makes me
Yesterday picked him up from Airport as he just came back from Tokyo and today he's off to Vietnam pulak. Wonder when he'll be back. Balik..kena fetch lagi...dah macam airport shuttle service pulak!
for hubby to go home and pick up the keys....guess I better leave in abt 10mins time. Kalau tak saya pulak yg lambat!
Toking to Aliyah on the msn now...she kena sabo n had to finish some last min stuffs...kesian teman
nasib kita dah sama ler! Had to do some last min updates for my RTM too before he fly off to KL tomorrow.
he'll be away till Friday
leh relax my mind a bit! Better chuck my paperwork one side and get going! Tomorrow boleh continue. Kalau kerja habis...means it's time for us to leave! So better leave some for tomorrow...kekekekeke. Aliyah hope you'll finish your job soon and have an early nite!
Take care everyone!
for now!

Toking to Aliyah on the msn now...she kena sabo n had to finish some last min stuffs...kesian teman

Take care everyone!