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Sunday, April 18, 2004 

*Lompat*Lompat* So happy now...although it's 1am now! It's been a long time since I stayed up this late. Hubby's playing his ps2 while waiting for me to finish my updates here....hold on dear I'll finish soonnnn...hehehe. Finally after a long time hubby and I went for dinner with Nazlin n hubby. Enjoyed ourselves with lotsa updates on each other's life n lotsa laughters. Had dinner @ Pondok Gurame.. a free dinner...a treat from them..they're excuse being we're newly weds so gotta belanja...dah basi ler...tapi free ok aje! After the sumptuos dinner, went for coffee...couldn't drink much though as i'm still having my cough n guess after the nite out (so much talking and laughters) now my throat hurts n it's getting worse! Hope I can sleep tonite. Tomorrow will be a busy day for both of us....meeting Adi (aka Bunger!) to pass the wedding pics...will be mtg him @ Starbucks MP. Oh no coffee again...guess gotta control myself as I can't take anymore mc on Monday! After which we'll be heading to Changi Airport to pick my bro up....missed him so much! Hopefull he's not changed so much over the 2 wks in Taiwan...hehehehehe....can't wait to see what he got for me too. Y-A-W-N!! So ngantuk already n ermmm....dun think there's anything else to update here....mind's blocked. But gotta Thank Frina for the murtabak maggi recipe! It was a success though lack of curry powder...hehehehe...hubby loves it n he finishes 6 murtabak maggi from 2 pckts of the maggi! Kalau ada recipe unik2 passing lagi eh....hehehehe....the way to a man's heart is through their TUMMY!! Nite2...Adios!