Safe Journey to my frens....
Hey Ladies n guys.......have a safe journey to u peeps (namely - kissy, Frina, Klopez, Kak Sunflora and their partners) and I'll see you guys on Friday as planned! I can't wait...growing very impatient for the DAY! Bet we'll gonna have loads of fun and full of laughters. Jangan lupa the beg plastics, the oranges, the axe-oils, the sour plums and errr did I leave anything out? Kalau termiss tu ingat2 sendiri lah ye....hehehehehe Oh yah!! The GOOOGGLESS!

To the rest of the passerby, jangan jeles eh...i'll be back with the updates on Tuesday! Wait up till peeps have fun also and enjoy celebrating National Day with the rest of the Singaporeans!

To someone, I really hope you realise what you have done and what you are doing! Never point a finger at yourself without realising it as it's a very shameful thing to do! Whatever it is I've learnt a lot from such a short term.

I'm off now peeps....have fun and dun let anything pull you down or influence you!