Especially to my dearest fren of 18 years, Nazlin and Shahrin for their Surprise!

to both Nazlin n Shahrin..the mummy n daddy-to-be! I'm so happy both of you.

Akhirnya kamu berdua akan menjadi Mummy n Daddy in 8mths time (i guess)?! I can't wait to be the 'Godmother' if there's such a thing for us (Malay).

Whatever it is, promise to take extra care of yourself especially for this mth as the foetus is still very fragile! I'm praying the best for both of you and may your pregnancy be a smooth one. This is the best news since we've know each other after 18 long years! I'm sure both of you are the happiest people especially after the long wait of 4 yrs after your wedding! Ni lah berkat kesabaran dah usaha kamu berdua! Syukur Alhamdullillah! If you guys need anything, especially company for the shopping of baby stuffs, u know where to get me!

You guys have done it!

Can't imagine my friend like this -->

Wait for my turn ya.....