I'm supposed to update on last 2 days happening
but gambar belom upload and this article caught my attention. Can't be help.. 
Those interested in the topic, go ahead and read
but for those who are not, simply click the 'X' button on the top right hand corner of this page. hehe
Here it goes...
What methods do you use to try to conceive?
Q: What methods do you use in your quest to get pregnant?
Nothing, we just have sex when we feel like it - 28%
Around the time I ovulate, we make sure to have sex every day - 39%
I chart my basal body temperature and cervical fluid - 12%
I use an ovulation predictor kit - 13%
I use a fertility monitor - 4%
We use other methods - 5%
* Now don't tell me which is your favourite,
it's a secret between the Man and Wife!

An Interesting article to wrap up:-
"Here is my advice to anyone who is trying to conceive and it just doesn't seem to be working.
1. Have your husband go and get tested. My mother tried for 3 years before they tested her husband and found out he was almost sterile - shooting blanks.
2. Talk to your Dr. and make sure there is nothing wrong with you...they can do an ultrasound and find out if there is a problem with your eggs or your tubes or whatever.
3. RELAX! Go on vacation...get rid of the stress...don't think about it. We had been trying for a year when we finally decided to put it in God's hands. Of course, we had prayed ALOT during that year but we never actually just turned it over to God and let it go. We decided that if it was meant to be then it would happen. That was after AF came in March. We only had sex twice in April. Once was while I was in between jobs and went from working 50 hours a week to nothing for 4 whole days. I hadn't had more than a day of in months. My husband got home at 2am one night after hanging out with his buddies. When he got home I was feeling a little amerous. Now, 29 months later I have a beautiful 20 month old dd. I wasn't supposed to be ovulating during that time. It was only a week from when I was due (I realized it later...I had stopped counting days). I didn't lay in bed with my pelvis tilted for half an hour after sex. I didn't have shots or pills that month. I just had a 4 day weekend and some fun with my husband. We are trying again. It's been about 5 or 6 months now I think. We haven't started keeping track or anything. We are just going to put it in God's hands from the get go. The next one will come in His time. For all of you trying, as long as there is nothing wrong with you or your husband (in which case you may need a little help from your Dr.) just relax, have fun and your little miracles will come."-- Chill Out