Breather Indeed!
Syiok bangettttt. Nak lagiiiiiiiiiii....i'm so looking forward to the next event....tak serik...tak cukop lagi ada. Bila? Belom tahu...for now mari kita berangan Mat Jenin!
Nite full of laughters....made new frens, Baby Saiful & the gang, Mr Wriggly Worms and not forgetting our dearest Mr Donkey!!!
Peektures...u do the toking!
Kalau takde ni Van...susah 'kittens' nak merayap-ing ~

Our 'home' for the nite ~

The Bujangs-no-more!

The kopet US - eeekkks!

The Sunrise which both Lina and Myself missed! Kenapa tak kejutkan kita?

Simply Beautiful! Nice shot darling..

The Happy US....We all looked so refreshed! *Ehemz* hurhur

We shall meet again....Insya'Allah soon!
Nite full of laughters....made new frens, Baby Saiful & the gang, Mr Wriggly Worms and not forgetting our dearest Mr Donkey!!!
Peektures...u do the toking!
Kalau takde ni Van...susah 'kittens' nak merayap-ing ~

Our 'home' for the nite ~

The Bujangs-no-more!

The kopet US - eeekkks!

The Sunrise which both Lina and Myself missed! Kenapa tak kejutkan kita?

Simply Beautiful! Nice shot darling..

The Happy US....We all looked so refreshed! *Ehemz* hurhur

We shall meet again....Insya'Allah soon!