Cerita, cerita
b) Nasi + sweet & sour chicken + sambal goreng
N I finished it all up! Syukran...so far belom rasa nak terkeluar lagi...hopefully it stays dat way. Bukan senang nak ada selera mcm ni...esp during lunch. Been forcing myself to eat everyday.
Cerita pasal Hari Raya: Nothing much...heh
Hari Raya pun dah nak habis...we cut short our visits (so penat!)...didn't take that many shots (so buruk! some say i don't look like myself *sobz*).....didn't eat that much (takut 'menabung' kat rumah org!)...basically I didn't really enjoy myself that much this yr. Hopefully next yr will be a better yr...with loads of laughters n happiness wif the new addition. Nevertheless, the kecohness @ my grandma's still maintain...tiap2 tahun kita super kecoh....in fact bertambah kecoh...bukan makin besar semua makin reduce the kecohness...terbalik! N my parents managed to join in the family portait this yr...syukran! Gambar dah siap nanti kita upload ye...banyak bersabar.
Cerita pasal Pregnancy: Ni banyak boleh story tapi....
Kita cut short sudah eh. I'm @ week 31....next appt is this sat and i'm left with 9wks to go. Cepatkan?! Mcm seram, mcm gerun n mcm tak sabar pun ada. hehe But it's been tough....baby's very active...main bola 24hrs a day...i'm extremely anaemic and extreme water retention! Nak tgk kaki kiut saya tak?
Nahhh ni dia!!! Sebelom ni kaki kita cantik tau...slim aje *sobz*
Ooops...dah dekat time nak balik ni...kita habiskan kerja dulu ya....will update again soon!! :p
Take Care semua.
Enjoy the last bit of Syawal...I know i will...this Sat *woohoo*
Hi Hi!
Kecambah tu kacang hijau yg dah tumbuh skit (sebelom jadi taugeh) n then digoreng wif tempeh, bawang, cili n ikan bilis n letak kicap skit...ingredient yg lain i tak tahu sangat...cuma tahu ngap! hehe
Posted by
Bunnyz |
10:49 AM
ar....so clever! hehe
saper eh? kita pun tunggu org masakkan nie...cuma my mom's fren aje tahu hehe
Posted by
Bunnyz |
2:48 PM