It's been a very long time since I leave my footprints here! Saw Frina when I log-in just now and immediately asked her about Shny's solemnisation just now. She said lots of ppl and they had lots of fun! Too bad i had to miss it. Hubby and I had appt @ SGH. Waiting for Frina to UL all the pics therefore took the oppty to drop some lines here. I'm strugling now as I can't move my left hand dat much. The staff nurse poke three times n the only spot where they can find my veins was somewhere near my knuckles! Can u imagine how painful it is? N it took them 20mins just to draw a tiny bottle of blood! And 2 staff nurse had to attend to me! kekeke...padan yg lain kena tunggu! I was

inside but had to put a strong front as there was about 4 ppl waiting outside the room and warned hubby not to look. I bet i'll feel worse inside if he did...confirm like a manja baby!

I had a false alarm....doc said there was nothing to worry on the nodules they found in my tummy...but i insist to go for another ultrasound and pelvic scan. The ultrasound was an experience...kekeke...i'm sure yang dah pi gynae to faham lah apa yg dimaksudkan! Hubby accompanied me throughout and we felt like small kiddos...umarried couple compared to the other patients...kekeke....a comment from hubby really made me felt weird just now...he said " Yg datang semua gelembung...apa kita buat pat sini eh?" hahahahaha....cam alien in the O&G dept! After the result, the doc re-assured me that there is really nothing wrong with me n the 3-4 tiny cysts that they found is normal. I wasn't convince but what more can I say coz she's the doc! She even encouraged me to get preggy soon...siao eh she thinks it's easy as ABC! But i still had to go for my blood test coz they hv to confirm on my Thalassamiea minor...if need be hubby had to do a test on that too. We need to be sure that both of us are not a carrier. If not we hv to be extra careful when I'm preggy...there are things that I have to take care of n i guess i hv to be on medication. But let's not think too much abt that for now....will see how things are when I get the blood tests results in 2 wks time.
Sanggup hubby main game...just to wait for me to finish updating my goblogs n to wait for Frina to UL all the pics.....won't be long dear as I have to sleep too!

tomorrow have to accompany my mom for her check up....another visit to the doc!

saw kissy on msn n she said she's transfering some pics which she took during Shny's wedding! Yahoooo! Can't wait to see those pics.
Ok back to the hospital story...after finished with mine...we had lunch @ the Housemen canteen and then we proceed to hubby's appt. Reached the registration counter pretty early thinking hubby cld get to see the doc earlier but we were wrong...had to wait till the appt time @ 2.20pm as the docs were all out for lunch. Apalah nasib! After 30mins of waiting, finally it was hubby's turn. The doc is a pretty young chap and he's "gerago" n a very funny guy! The consultation took abt 1/2hr or so and I was there in the room too...so kepo! Heard hubby's groan...he was in pain when the doc pressed ard the injured area! Kesian bila dengar dia mengerang kesakitan.....my peyut so nilu! Hubby's "illness" is known as Iliotibial Band Syndrome...the doc said he don't need any ops but he hv to go for therapy. I know hubby dreads dat so much but forced him to go for one session just now since we are already there. Waited for 1.5hrs...almost fell asleep! Finally we finished everything @ about 5pm....dah macam gi kerja....from 9.30am till 5pm! We went to Bedok central as hubby wanted to cut his hair...guess he also wanna look nice for shny's wedding...kekekeke but sad to say the 'abang' didn't really do a gd job! Oh yah...for ur info...the bedok hawker centre is closed....guess for renovation. Wanted to eat the mee rebus but didn't get to...nampaknya mcm nak kena gi AMK hawker centre. So far right? But sanggup kalau perut & tekak dah meragam! Dah cam org preggy pulak kan? hehehe..shhhhhhh...i'm not...YET! Insya-Allah the rite time will come soon. before I end (mata dah kuyu beb), nak thank all the ladies from ewah2 for their concerns n word of encouragement. Dah tak payah stress lagi....all clear! kekekeke....nak OT ke tak eh malam ni?

cam dah penat...CANCEL sudah....lain hari yer Bang! Nak pi ngintip gambar shny....she looks pretty n sweet....just the look of a Bride! SO happy for her....balak dah lepas ar tapi OT lum boleh ar! Ciao for now....will be back when I hv more interesting updates, k! Nite Nite