Monday, November 27, 2006 

@ week 33!


Your Baby:
By now, you have all the
amniotic fluid you are going to have and the amount will remain consistent until delivery. Your baby’s brain continues to grow, increasing the size of his head. Your baby continues to develop fat deposits under the skin, changing the color of his skin from red to pink. If you're having a boy his testicles have moved from their location near the kidneys through the groin to the scrotum. If you are having a girl, her chlorus is relatively prominent. Your baby is approximately 17.5 inches long weighs a little over four pounds now.

Your Body:
You will be
gaining about a pound a week now. While mild swelling is normal, be sure to watch out for any sudden (over the course of two to three days), especially in your face. If you do experience sudden swelling, be sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
You can now probably distinguish the baby's
knee from his elbow, even though the movements are smaller. You may also notice small bumps that appear to be rhythmic in your uterus. This is probably caused by the baby having hiccups and isn't cause for alarm. Take this time to continue learning all you can about your labor, the birth process, your postpartum months.
Pregnancy Symptoms You May Experience
Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
Frequent Urination
Indigestion or
Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)
Round ligament pains

Visit to the gynae's last sat:-

One question dat shooked me: "Do you or any of your family members have diabetes?" My brain worked liked a bullet train and I told her "No, zilch" Her reason for asking is dat she found my amnitoic fulid to be on the high side but she said it is still normal. Everything else is in good shape though and baby's active as ever. But if the condition's the same on my next visit (2wks time), tests have to be done and she will looked at other areas. Her words sent me shivers, tho I acted beranilah. I've always worry abt my blood supply and now more things to worry...the extreme swelling and excess water in my belly! I just hope i'll end up wif a normal delivery and not c-sect. Ya Allah, please answer my prayers....Amin.

p/s: Sooo malu but I'm walking like a penguin now! Booo Hoooooooooo

Friday, November 10, 2006 

Lunch time!

Virtual "post" of the blur dengdeng goreng to my 2 apamz! Jgn marah...gambar blur...malas nak dah *kick*kick* laparrrr :p Lain hari kita masak kasi awak2 makan ok. Had a cup of watermelon juice also....soooo refreshing!
Yg kat bawah tu pulak...dessert....pancake buah berangan dari jepang...sodapp..menjilat jari. *yumz*

N that!! Is the huge DHA capsule which i dreadddd..everyday hv to force myself to swallow. Yuckssss!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 

Cerita, cerita

Cerita pasal makan: What's for lunch?
a) Kecambah (yg kita ngidam) + telur asin

b) Nasi + sweet & sour chicken + sambal goreng

N I finished it all up! far belom rasa nak terkeluar lagi...hopefully it stays dat way. Bukan senang nak ada selera mcm ni...esp during lunch. Been forcing myself to eat everyday.

Cerita pasal Hari Raya: Nothing much...heh

Hari Raya pun dah nak habis...we cut short our visits (so penat!)...didn't take that many shots (so buruk! some say i don't look like myself *sobz*).....didn't eat that much (takut 'menabung' kat rumah org!)...basically I didn't really enjoy myself that much this yr. Hopefully next yr will be a better yr...with loads of laughters n happiness wif the new addition. Nevertheless, the kecohness @ my grandma's still maintain...tiap2 tahun kita super fact bertambah kecoh...bukan makin besar semua makin reduce the kecohness...terbalik! N my parents managed to join in the family portait this yr...syukran! Gambar dah siap nanti kita upload ye...banyak bersabar.

Cerita pasal Pregnancy: Ni banyak boleh story tapi....

Kita cut short sudah eh. I'm @ week appt is this sat and i'm left with 9wks to go. Cepatkan?! Mcm seram, mcm gerun n mcm tak sabar pun ada. hehe But it's been's very active...main bola 24hrs a day...i'm extremely anaemic and extreme water retention! Nak tgk kaki kiut saya tak?

Nahhh ni dia!!! Sebelom ni kaki kita cantik tau...slim aje *sobz*

Ooops...dah dekat time nak balik ni...kita habiskan kerja dulu ya....will update again soon!! :p

Take Care semua.

Enjoy the last bit of Syawal...I know i will...this Sat *woohoo*