Dragged myself to work this morning! The reason: 1) First day @ work without my best colleague and a dear fren and 2) my feet's swollen! Guess I'll be popping by Shenton Medical later to get some long due nagging from Dr Chia! Arghhhhh! Was contemplating this morning whether I shld dragged myself to work or just take an mc from the doc near my pleace but chose the earlier. My mood's drained and I'm sure a number of you guys out there realised that especially since I've not been updating my blog! Last Friday was the worst day....felt so shitty inside. It was my fren's last day with us and recd another sad email from Ireland and one of the best CS Helpdesk Manager tendered her resignation to be a full time MOM!

when I can be as lucky and as brave as them to find a greener pasture elsewhere. Guess I really have to build my guts. Told myself that Life has to go on....I'm really trying very hard to remember that and to put the sad happenings behind me. Let that be history but not the friendship! Let's tok abt weekend....

was great. Went to Siti's place after work on Friday to help her with her wedding favors and to cclooklook her bedroom decor.

Nice job by Freeda Enterprise. It's really a 360deg turn from her 'pigsty' bedroom to a gorgeous Bridal chamber.

left near to 11pm and promised her to reached early on Sat. But usual me...got stuck at the saloon...hehehe...so reached her place @ 2pm on Saturday. The solemnisation will only start @ 3.30pm so I still have time. Brought the apple fragrance aromatheraphy for her room and the mini hand pillow for the berinai session. When I reached her place, her make-up artist was already there and there I was with a fren, locked out of the room till an hour later. Such a snobbish and irritating make-up artists and assistants. Wonder why she brought 2 of her frens to be her assistants for the day! So semak! Anyway, Siti got all emotional and

just as the groom's side arrived. She said, "Maszah, aku sedih...aku nak nangis!" and before I knew it her tears started to roll like an open tap! Quickly rushed to her side and told her to control herself and pray as much as she can. Wanted to hug her but the make-up artist blocked my way. Habis mascara and eyeliner semua smudge! kekeke...apa lagi dah lah mak andam snobbish..kena hamput! Totally the opp of my make-up artist. My make-up artist even told me to cry if i want to but I didn't! The solemnisation went well with only one lafaz. SYukran n now she's legally married and a wifey now. Siti...welcome to the club! But for now u join me as a newly married....we take out time ok to join the rest as the Young Mothers!
The reception on Sunday went well and the bride and groom looked gorgeous. The decor was also beautiful....simple and sweet and the food...delicious. How I wish I had a digicam with me....boleh share gambar pat sini...now gotta wait till I develop the pics and source for a scanner! Bila tu? *scratch* I felt sad coz I couldn't follow the entourage to the groom's side. Kaki gue dah terpeleot and it was raining heavily. After seeing her off, hubby and I made our way home. Hail a cab and we reached @ 2.30pm. Finally, Siti's married!

Selamat Pengantin Baru Buat Siti Idahyu dan Juraimi! Semoga Mahligai yg dibina berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu dan ke syurga...Insya-Allah. A blissful marriage to both of you and wishing for your JUNIORS soon!